Tuesday, March 22, 2011


Sammy and Tommy have been having a great time together. Tommy has to crawl into and sit in everything "box-shaped", big or small, and Sam is more than willing to pull him around the house. Hold on Tommy! Both boys are getting more independent by the day, Sam is really good playing on his own and is great out of my sight for 20 or so minutes (not saying that he doesn't sometimes get into mischief, but most times he is playing nicely). Tommy is so ready to be a "big boy" like his brother and go down the steps himself, walk on the sidewalk himself, cross the road himself, feed himself. Tommy absolutely loves to watch the dogs around the neighborhood, and just like when his brother was this age, he loves to see any type of truck on the road. We are ready for some warm spring weather! We had a 70 degree tease last week, but it looks like we are in for more snow/sleet before we can look forward the warmth~