Wednesday, October 27, 2010

JJ is 4!!

October 10th

Sam's best buddy is 4! Where does the time go? And according to
Sammy, now he is 3 all by himself.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

A new little cousin.....Johnny!!

JJ and Jake are big brothers and Sam and Tommy are big cousins again. There are boys galore in our family. Johnny was born August 12th and he is just as cute as can be!

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Good Morning

Just playing in our PJs by the window.....a precious morning moment.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010


Tommy is such a happy baby. Here he is playing with a ball and doing his usual, smiling. He absolutely loves to climb the stairs. He's hilarious when he throws a ball, half the time it drops behind his head. And the latest and greatest, yesterday he took a step towards me! I was waiting to catch him, but it was so cute.

Belated Birthdays.

Poppy!!! September 14th! We had a wonderful time celebrating with you!

Uncle Jason! September 20th!

Chuchee Kylene! September 29th

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

First Day of Preschool

So, we are a month in....but I thought I would share a couple pics from Sam's first day. He loves school, has no separation issues, is slowly making new friends, is learning a lot, and really likes his teachers. He is super happy to see Tommy and I when I pick him up so the absence really makes his heart grow fonder! He is beginning to talk about girls....or one little girl specifically. I don't know if I am ready for this!
Sam being goofy. Sam on his "prep" with parents day.