Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Brother Talk

Here are Sam and Tommy having a conversation. Tommy is just as interested in his brother as Sam is with him.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Aunt Maria is married

Rehearsal (Sammy, JJ. Maria)

Jake Sam ( JJ in background playing trucks)
The 4 of us, terrible pic, the settings on my camera were out of whack.
We are so excited that Aunt Maria is married and are thrilled to welcome Uncle Sean, Riley, and Quinten to the family. I was fortunate to participate in the festivities as Maria's bridesmaid but my picture taking moments suffered. I was also having difficulty with my camera so what I did capture was not quality. We all had a wonderful time at the wedding!

Monday, March 22, 2010


So, Tommy's not quite as big of a sleepyhead as he was as a newborn, but I guess that is to be expected. He's really making me work to get longer stretches at night, and man is his timing off with the whole eating and napping thing. Most times, no sooner is he to sleep than he is up to eat again! I love this sleeping picture of him.

Sunday, March 21, 2010


Sammy absolutely loves his "tiger" fleece, as he calls it. He actually picked it out one day when we were shopping. I was eyeing up the navy and baby blue stripes and he had his heart set on orange and navy, the "tiger one". I was gonna make the executive decision and override his choice, when I gave in...I'm glad I did. He wears it all the time, picks out his clothing when allowed (he loves putting on "comfy cozy pants"), and can put it on all by himself. And, just my luck, I found it in Tommy's size almost a year after buying it for Sam. Not a great picture, but they are really hard to come by for the two of these boys.