Sunday, January 25, 2009

Such a happy boy

Sam is really a happy kid. He is so full of energy, is very curious, loves to dance, play with his trucks, make people laugh, and crack up himself. Here are a few pictures of us playing one of his favorite games while Mom is finishing up dinner. We call it the "boop" game, and he gets into hysterics.

Friday, January 23, 2009


It snowed all day Monday and we finally got to go play in it in the evening. We introduced Sam to sledding for the first time, he did it a few times then was finished.....Dad wanted to keep sledding. He really enjoyed walking around in the snow and socializing with the neighbors. I think he was glad to be able to spend some time outside in the cold weather.

Thursday, January 22, 2009


I think Mason was holding the football so Sam could kickoff.
The boys were cheering on Sunday, with Sam saying "go Eagles" and "Touchdown"!

Well, they didn't make it to the Superbowl this year, but Sam had a great time cheering on his number 1 team. Go Eagles! Thanks Liz, Chris, and Mason for coming down to visit us. Sam also had a great time with Patty and Jack.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Christmas at Mom Mom and Pop's

Sam loves his garbage truck from Mom Mom and Pop.
Sam loves to dance and prefers to have dance partners (for
those who haven't yet been asked by Sam to dance with him, just wait, your time will come)

Chuchee Trying on Uncle Jay's Phillies World Series Champs Hat

Playing piano with Taylor Laughing up a storm in the rocking chair
with Jacob

Sam had lots of fun at Mom Mom and Pop's and enjoyed spending time with his older cousins, who love him so much they just can't keep their hands off of him.

Is it too late to post Christmas Day??

Okay, so I finally took the time to figure out how to download pictures from my new camera that I received Christmas morning (hence the long delay from posts from Christmas morning to Christmas day). I know most of you have moved on and are past the holidays, but here are just a few pics from our celebration. Thanks to both grandparents and Aunt Maria and Sean and family for spending the day with us.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Christmas Morning....

Christmas morning was really wonderful. Sam really had no idea what was awaiting him. Dad and I tried to hurry along his breakfast, asking him if he was ready to open some presents, and he just responded "no". He had no idea what we were talking about.
But....... once he saw what Santa had left.......he was just so delighted and really spent a lot of time playing with each of his new toys. He loved the shake and go race track that Santa brought, and had lots of fun reading books and playing with playdough.

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Christmas Eve

Thanks Grandpa for cooking a delicious meal!

"More cookie, more cookie, more cookie"..... I spent a lot of time baking over the holidays as usual, but for Sammy this was the first year he could actually indulge in the many types of cookies....cookie heaven for him.

The joys of an empty box.

Sam, Uncle John (or un-yon as Sam calls him), and Cousin JJ

Jake, Aunt Karen (or as Sam says "Aunt K"), and Sam

Choo Choo train, operated by Grandma, at least for the moment.

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Spread the Love in 2009!

Happy New Year!! Have a wonderful 2009 and good luck in whatever challenge you have set for yourself. A little reminder from Sammy, spread the love!! (I promise to put pics up from over the holidays soon! Check back!)