Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Sam's Birthay spent with Mom and Dad.....

Yes, we both took off for our son's first birthday and it was a blast.

Happy 1st Birthday Sammy!!!

Happy Birthday to the best thing that has ever happened to us. I can't believe our little man is one, the year flew by and has been filled with incredible moments beyond words. Sam is such a sweet, energetic, and happy child and it is a true privelage to be his mother. We love you more than you know Sam.

Monday, May 26, 2008

Party on!

We had a great time celebrating Sam's first year with our family. Thanks so much to our family for your love, support, and presence in Sam's life. Here is Sam enjoying time with the family and some of his favorite presents that he received. Happy 1st Birthday Sammy! We love you more than you know.

Friday, May 16, 2008

The luckiest bear in the world

Sammy is quite fond of his large stuffed bear, especially in the evening. I am not sure if he is giving the bear hugs or tackling him.......probably a little of both. Everytime he is near him, the bear better watch out, because Sammy is sure to tackle/hug him every time.

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Mother's Day

I am so very lucky to have a beautiful son this Mother's Day. We had a great weekend celebrating our Mothers, visiting both Grandmothers. Happy Mother's Day to all mothers and a very special Mother's Day to all fellow first timers like myself. Take time to celebrate with your incredible children.

Wednesday, May 7, 2008


Taking a cruise around the block in the truck is a favorite of Sam's. He is a great driver, always checking his blind spots. He even drives one-handed, such talent.

Saturday, May 3, 2008

Swim lessons

Sammy loves swim lessons. Here he is practicing his kicks (on the floor) and swimming in the pool. He will be ready to tackle the waves at the shore this summer.