Thursday, April 24, 2008

still teething.......

It is not for lack of effort, here is the little man really trying to gnaw on whatever he can to help his teeth appear. Yes, he is still all gums (except one teeny tiny white dot which appeared 3-4 weeks ago and has remained just a teeny dot). His teether of preference....his hands and wrists.

The outdoors man.....

This is Sam's first spring and he is really enjoying the weather. He absolutely loves the outdoors. We spend as much time possible going on nature walks, to the park, crawling around in the grass, and exploring the many leaves, trees, and twigs in the area. Oh yea, and a ton of time driving his two vehicles around, he is "big time".

Friday, April 11, 2008

Happy Birthday Daddy ......

Sam is so lucky to have an amazing father. And, this past weekend, Sam's daddy turned 30. Sam thinks his father still looks like he is in his 20s. Sam and Dad have so much fun playing together. Happy Birthday Dad!